lunes, 31 de mayo de 2021

3.17 Reading an writting texts


ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: Don't forget send me these questions and answers.

Guide 3.17: Reading an writing texts

Hello , my name is ____________

I am studying at grade:_________

Good Afternoon students , How are you today?


What are you doing  now ?


What´s your  last name?


How old are you?


Where are you from?


What do you wear on week end?


What's your favorite color?


What's your favorite animal?


 Do you like traveling?


Vamos a  hacer lo mejor posible en  textos descriptivo- narrativos y empezamos con los viaje que te gustan tanto.


Si vas a hablar de tus vacaciones, necesitarás vocabulario relacionado. Aquí tienes unas cuantas palabras que te será útiles:


Travel: viajar

Rest: descansar

Have fun: divertirse

Spend time with: pasar tiempo con

Visit: visitar

Drive: conducir/ir en coche a

Hike: hacer senderismo

Enjoy: disfrutar

Unwind: desconectar

Get away: escaparse


Plane: avión

Train: tren

Mountain: montaña

Sea: mar

Boat: bote/barco

Wildlife: fauna

Landscape: paisaje

Hostel: hostal

Trip: viaje

Suitcase: maleta


Breathtaking: sobrecogedor

Lovely: genial

Mild: templado (clima), agradable (tiempo)

Rainy: lluvioso

Sunny: soleado

Amazing: increíble

Interesting: interesante

Exhausting: agotador

Huge: enorme

Stunning: impresionante


Y ahora, te toca redactar. Aquí tienes un ejemplo de un texto breve contando unas vacaciones. ¡Anímate y haz el tuyo! , luego envíalo a tu profe.

 My Christmas holidays this year were simply amazing! I had two weeks, so I decided to do something special: go on a road trip to France.

I have some friends in different cities, so I stayed with them and I didn’t have to book any hostels. It was very cheap!

First, I drove to Barcelona. I didn’t stay long, but I went to the beach. It was mild for the winter, and I even had a quick swim!

After Barcelona, I went to Toulouse. The city is not very big, but it is lively and welcoming. I had a wonderful time. After two days, I drove north to Paris. It is a very interesting city, but it is huge and stressful.

I also visited Lyon and Montpellier. I especially enjoyed the street markets in Montpellier, where I bought some lovely wine.

I hope I can do this some other time, it was a great holiday idea!

 vocabulario para usar en el aeropuerto –

 airport – aeropuerto

airplane – avión

flight – vuelo

flight ticket – billete de avión

check in – facturación del equipaje

baggage / luggage – equipaje

suitcase – maleta

passenger – pasajero

boarding pass – tarjeta de embarque

departure / boarding gate – puerta de embarque

departure lounge – sala de salida

departures – salidas

arrivals – llegadas

to board – embarcar

fight attendant / air hostess – azafata

flight crew – tripulación de cabina

to take off – despegar

to land – aterrizar

round trip ticket – billete de ida y vuelta

one way ticket – billete de ida

passport control – inspección de pasaportes

duty free –  sin impuestos

baggage claim – recogida de equipaje

customs – aduanas

carry on luggage / carry on – equipaje de mano

depart – salir

layover – parada en el vuelo

first class – primera clase

coach class / economy – clase turista

business class – clase business

fight delayed – vuelo retrasado

nothing to declare – nada para declarer

car hire / car rental – alquiler de coches

taxi / cab service – servicio de taxi

taxi stand / taxi stop – parada de taxi

emergency exit – salida de emergencia

seat belt – cinturón de seguridad

flight number – número de vuelo

seat number – número de asiento

booking reference – número de reserva

terminal – terminal

frases que puedes usar en un próximo viaje. 

Where is the taxi stand, please? 

What’s the number of the boarding gate?

Where is check-in for British Airways?

The flight is delayed by half an hour.

Is there a train to the city center?

Where is the baggage claim, please?

I seem to have lost my luggage. Who should I speak to?

Is there a car rental agency here at the airport?

My flight departs from Terminal 4 at 3 PM.

Practicing/ text about traveling