lunes, 26 de abril de 2021

4.13 Reading Comprehension- there was / were

Guide # 4.13 Practice There was-were, by means of a reading comprehension

Please, answer these questions in long answer not in short. They must be complete.

Hello, What´s Your name?


How are you today?


What is your cicle?


Do yoy like reading?


How do you do?


Where do you go on week end?



1. Dear student You have to find the unknown words and choose their meaning in               spanish on  Internet or in your dictionary then you must  copy it,  in your notebook.
2.  You have to write the traduction in spanish of this reading on your notebook.
3.  Now yo have to go to this link and develop the exercises that there are there, in this        lesson,   according to this reading and other.    Reading Comprehension.
4. Take photo to this three points and send me.