martes, 3 de agosto de 2021

TERCER PERIÓDO ACADÉMICO de 2021- CICLO 400 New Guide. guide 2 and 3

Hello dear students.
We are going to work in personal information in written and oral way.  We evaluate they in class.

or send me to my e mail.

Answer and practice the following sentences :
 What´S Your name?
How are you?
How old are You?
Where do you live?
 What´s your adress?
What´s your telephone number?
What do you like?
What you don´t like?
What´s your favorite food?
 What´s your favorite sport?
What´s your favorite place?
What´s your favorite subject?
What does your mother do?
What does your father do?
Do you have sisters?
How many?
Do you have brothers?
 How many?
Your friends are:...