lunes, 8 de febrero de 2021

4.3. presente and past continuous.

Dear students I hope you have understand the las theme about verb to-be .

However, in this guide we are going to review this theme and advance toward progressive tenses but for understand all as we would like to do it, you must take note in your notebooks step by step while are watching the video.

Now you can pick  on this link and begin to learn a lot

          Present and past progressive with to be and ing 

        I will soon contact you so that through a link we can have a synchronous encounter and  clarify your doubts 

Ver la plataforma teams y entrar por ella o ver la invitación en cada correo y usar el link para ingresar. Ya estamos evaluando.


Personal pronouns

to-be review

image to-be

to-be - past

        Have a nice week full of blessings.