sábado, 23 de enero de 2021

6.1. Review verb to be in all its forms and tenses





DATE:  January 25 in 2021

OBJECTIVE Develop the skills on the students of English class.  


 CICLE: 600

TEACHER: Judith E. Sanabria. F


 TOPIC: Greetings and Leavings

For starting we will listen to a song
Match this link here for doing it.
Press the buttons.

1.       https://youtu.be/btrxwLAIjvI  

2.       Let it be

Copy it in your folder or notebook in english for learn it . The purpose is to do better our listening and our pronuntiation. Listen and sing all days  till you learn it.

Now we beging to learn more english. You have to read and copy in your notebook.

Why is so important review the verb to be in english...

Cuando empiezas a estudiar inglés, una de las cosas más básicas que tienes que aprender es cómo se usa el verbo to be en inglés. Te encuentras numerosas oraciones que llevan el verbo to be en inglés, con significados diferentes, y podría resultarte un poco difícil, pero presta atención a lo básico que debes saber de la conjugación del verbo to be.

In essence the verb to be may appear alone, but in most cases it will accompany other verbs in compound verbal times.

The most important is: 

 (la conjugación del to be verb)

 The conjugation of the verb to be.

On present: 

The verb is conjugated (el verbo se conjuga) 

1. I ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::am

2. you::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: are.

3. he/she/it:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::is.

2. With pronuns in plural way we, you, they  to be takes the form are. 

In the past tense, most pronouns are conjugated with were ( we, you, they), except I, he, she, it that are conjugated with was. 

In perfect forms (or past participle) takes the form been, and 

in the progressive way it becomes being.


Now let's briefly look at the verbal times of the verb to be in English. Remember that all verbal times have affirmative, negative and question form.

The verb to be in present is mainly used to refer to something true in the present or to give basic information. The forms of the verb in present are am, is, are.

The verb to be in the past is used to talk about true information, facts, or data that happened in the past. The verb takes the form of was and were, depending on the personal pronoun with which it is matched.  

The verb to be in the future uses the form will be and is used to talk about something that will be or will be in the future.


 use of verb to be in english

Verb to be in present affirmative, questions and negation. 

Peter is hungry. (Peter tiene hambre.).... has- have= material verbo tener.
Is Peter hungry? (¿Peter tiene hambre?)
Peter is not hungry. (Peter no tiene hambre.)

Verb to be in past affirmative, negative and question.

Barry was ill. (Barry estaba enfermo.)
Barry was not ill. (Barry no estaba enfermo.)
Was Barry ill? (¿Barry estaba enfermo?)

Verb to be in future afirmative, negative and question

The game will be tomorrow at ten o’clock. (El partido será mañana a las diez.)
The game will not be tomorrow at ten o’clock. (El partido no será mañana a las diez.) won´t be
Will the game be tomorrow at ten o’clock? (¿El partido será mañana a las diez?)


1. Sing the song " let it be" and learn it; copy and underline de verb to be on it.

2. Take note in your notebook doing the traduction.

3. The following guide must be developed for doing the correction in our on line class.

present tense

I.  Fill in with the correct form of the verb Be in affirmative, negative or interrogative in present , past or future, tense. (is, are, am)

 1. John  was in London last week, but his family ______with him.

 2. Ella and Julie ____good friends.

 3. The cat _________very lazy: it ________asleep on the sofa.

 4. Ann is not very good at Maths and her friends ____ very sorry for her.

 5. We ____at home last night and there was a good film on TV.

II. Interrogative examples. Press the button......(presione aquí)

III. Negative

past tense

1 Complete with was or were.

1 My dad …was………….. good at football.

2 The girls …were………….. happy.

3 Our test ……was……….. very difficult.

4 He …….…was…….. strong and clever.

5 How many people ……were………….. there?

6 Her hair …………was..….. not long.

7. He …was……………… at her house.

8. Daniel ………was……………. all the night at home.

9. The movie……………was…………really amazing.

10. They ……………were………………together.

3 Complete the text with these words.

 I had a fantastic time yesterday. It (1) ___was______ a really good day.

We (2) ______weren´t____at school because it (3) ___was_____ Sunday.  My   mum and dad (4) ___were____ out, and my sister (5) ____was____in the house. My best friend and I (6) ……..were...... at home alone and we played all day. It (7) _____was_____ great!

4. Write questions and short answers.

   a. the weather / nice / yesterday


  -    ………………….…

 b. Alexander / strong and clever (present)


 +    ……………………

 c. Zorro and Popeye / heroes (present)

 …………………..……………….……………………………………….………. ?          

 -   ………………….…

  d. you / at school / last Wednesday.

 ………………………..………….…………………………………….…………. ?           +    ………………

  e. Jim / at the match/ last Saturday? 

………………………..………….………………………………………..……...  ?          

-    ………………….

 f. Nicholas / on holiday/ two weeks ago? 

………………………..………….……………………………………...………… ?            +  ………………….…

 g. Harry / a popular wizard?   (future)

………………………..………….……………………………………............ ?            

+  ………………….…

 h. will / be/ an interesting/ book?  (future)

………………………..………….…………………………………..……….   ?       

+  ………………….…

4.        Negative way, choose the correct answer

5. Look for the correct answer

Future simple with(will)+ to be.

write affirmative sentences with will. Example.

Complete the sentences with  simple future (will).

1. (I/be/engineer/next year)----------- I will be engineer next year 

2. ----they be shopping)  

3. She---- ---- older each day)  

4. Peter ----  --- my brother in law next month.  

5. -----theybe there soon. 

6. I promise I---- (be/not)   late.

7. We ----- ----- ready to watch the film without you.